Hear us out, because we know that you hear this statement all the time “staying hydrated is so important”. But have you ever actually understood the full picture of WHY it is so important.
In a gym setting, staying hydrated is critical to avoid overheating, for better performance and to aid in the recovery process. But hydration isn’t just about replacing the sweat lost from training. Benefits of staying hydrated include regulated body temperature, lubricated joints, prevention of infections, delivery of nutrients to cells, and keeping organs functioning properly. Being well-hydrated also improves sleep quality, cognition, and mood. Let’s look a little closer at the top benefits of staying hydrated (in no particular order).
Better temperature regulation –
Think about those hot sunny days, sipping an ice cold drink at the beach. Or those workouts at the gym, chugging back water almost feeling like the more you drink, the more you sweat. Sweat is our bodies way to help cool itself down when it’s overheating. Research shows that when we are dehydrated, our bodies store more heat. Therefore by drinking plenty of water it will help you to stay hydrated, allowing your body to produce sweat when you’re overheated, in turn cooling the body down. This built-in cooling mechanism is critical for preventing heat stroke and other potentially deadly heat-related conditions.
Decreased joint pain –
Did you know the cartilage in our joints contains approximately 80% water? By staying hydrated you’re likely to have fewer aches and pains in your joints and you’ll likely notice they’re smoother-moving joints. This is due to the joints being well lubricated, creating more of a “cushion” between the bones and reducing any friction.
Prevent infections –
A specific example of this is kidney stones. Kidney stones are clumps of mineral crystals that form in the urinary tract. If you’ve ever experienced one, you know how painful they can be. Consuming adequate amounts of water each day can help dilute the concentration of minerals in your urinary tract and make stones less likely. Water also helps flush harmful bacteria from your bladder and can aid in preventing urinary tract infections.
Keep organs functioning properly and provide more energy –
On average blood is 51% water. If you’re not staying hydrated you’re then taking away the majority base that your blood needs and in turn it becomes concentrated. This means that it can cause an imbalance of vital minerals (electrolytes). These minerals are key to the proper functioning of your heart. Another aspect of this is that dehydration can slow down circulation and affect the flow of oxygen to your brain. A lack of fluids can also cause your heart to work harder to pump oxygen throughout your body. All of that expended energy can make you feel tired, sluggish, and less focused. Simply by drinking more water, you’ll prevent dehydration and have more energy to live your life (and who doesn’t want that).
Improved brain performance –
This is arguably one of the most noticeable benefits of staying hydrated. Even mild dehydration (as little as 2% fluid loss) can affect memory, mood, concentration, and reaction time. By adding just a few glasses of water to your daily intake you can be rewarded with the positive effects on cognition, stabilise your emotions, and even combat feelings of anxiety.
Staying hydrated is one of those things, simple in theory, often not applied well “I don’t have a tap nearby” “I have to use the bathroom too frequently” “I just forget”. We have compiled our top tips to help ensure you can stay hydrated, easier.
- Drink enough water for YOU. The recommended 8 glasses per day is a good start but other factors can influence your needs such as age, sex, weight and activity level.
- Take a refillable water bottle with you wherever you go. Then there is no excuse to not have access to water. It’s also a little reminder to sip away at it if it’s with you all day.
- Use the markers of before, during and after exercise. Drinking water through each of these will help you to avoid dehydration and improve your training performance.
- Start your day with a glass of water. Instead of reaching straight for that cup of coffee when you wake, have a glass of water first. One down, eight(ish) to go!
- Drink a glass of water with each meal. Another easy marker to use. Make it a part of your eating routine. Not only will this help you to stay hydrated, it will help you to drink your recommended water intake easily and help aid in digestion.
- Set reminders. If you don’t think that you can implement and use the above mentioned markers throughout your day, use an app or set reminders in your diary. You can even set targets to reach by certain times of the day, turn it into a challenge with yourself.
Yes, you will need to use the bathroom more frequently, especially to start with. But the more consistent you are with your water intake daily, the easier it becomes to drink enough to stay hydrated. And I don’t know about you, but we think all of the benefits listed above far outweigh a few extra trips to the bathroom!